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Boral Cultured Stone® Installation – Modular Component System

This demonstration features Pro-Fit® Alpine Ledgestone, and applies to all Cultured Stone® Modular Component System products. Pro-Fit® Ledgestone products have the added feature of a patented mortar groove, around all four edges. But they follow the same installation procedure shown in this video.

Modular components are installed much like a standard tight fitted installation, with all sides butted together. To prevent joints from aligning vertically, the long and short legs of the corner components are alternated, as installation proceeds up the corners of the column. Flat pieces are cut to length, as needed, to fill and complete each course.

To install around openings, follow the procedure shown in the 1/2” Mortar Joint demonstration, fitting the stones together more tightly. There are no mortar joints to tool or rake, in the installation of a Modular Component System.