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Installing Boral Versetta Stone® Partial Panels

In some cases, the nail flange must be removed from the panel, to install it into soffits, windows, or other terminations, or penetrations. We refer to these as a partial panel installation. Please see the written installation instructions for additional information on partial panel installation.

Using your saw or grinder, cut off the nail flange evenly, so that it doesn’t it doesn’t stick out above the stone. Prepare the wall for the adhesive bond by attaching a non-painted flashing, or galvanized expanded metal lath material. This material must be fastened to the framing.

Next apply thick vertical beads of PL 90 construction adhesive to the back of the panel, and then place the panel’s tongue into the groove of the panel below, and press firmly against the wall, for even contact between the back of the panel and the surface of the wall. It is critical that contact between the adhesive and partial panel is maintained until the adhesive cures. It may be necessary to install shims or supplemental fasteners for this purpose.

Download the Boral Versetta® Stone Installation Guide